Feature Codes

Author Joakim Schyllert

Last updated: October 14th, 2024 by Ellinor Niklasson

With Feature Codes you are able to manage your extension within the PBX without the need to login. You will manage this via various shortcuts in your terminal and/or mobile device.

You will find a complete list of the shortcuts at the bottom of this page, next we will describe these shortcuts.

Call forwarding

Direct: All incoming direct calls get forwarded to the specified number.

Delayed: All calls are forwarded to the specified number after a certain time (in case there is no answer).

When busy: All incoming calls you receive when you are busy get forwarded to the specified number.


ATTENTION! This applies only to fixed numbers. If you want your mobile phone to follow the same pattern, calls to mobile numbers must be handled as calls to a landline in your profile settings. In general, we recommend setting up forwarding in the profile and not using Feature Codes unless it is absolutely necessary.

Also note, that calls are not forwarded if you disable the usage of the # key.

Activate a profile

You can activate your profiles via shortcuts and profile numbers. To find which profile number each profile has, go to the Telavox app on your computer or use the browser version, then go to Settings > Profiles > Go to the bottom of the page and then click Display profile numbers. If you do not specify a time for activating the profile via Feature Codes, the profile's default time will be activated.

Response groups/queuing systems

You have the option of logging into your various queues. You can only log in and out of queues that you are already a member of. If you are not a member of a queue and try to log in with Feature Codes, you will get a message that says, “The service is not active”.

Call pick up

If one of your colleagues receives a call and you wish to pick up the call immediately before they answer it, you can do so. You can only do this on incoming direct calls to your colleagues.

Hidden number

If you want to call with a hidden number, you can use Feature Codes to activate this if necessary.

Redirect ongoing incoming calls

If you have an ongoing call where someone called you, you can transfer this call to another number. Only incoming calls can be forwarded, outgoing calls cannot be forwarded. You have the option to transfer the call directly or, alternatively, do an attended transfer. It takes a few seconds before the transfer takes place when you type in the command.


The default setting for call forwarding that you have on your user, determines how this forwarding will work. An administrator can adjust this in the admin portal under Users > Other settings > Call forwarding. You can choose from the methods below:

Notified (Attended) transfer: You have the opportunity to talk to the person you connect to before completing the transfer.

Direct transfer: You do not get the opportunity to talk to the person you are transfering to. The call will be connected directly.

None: Calls are not forwarded.

Directly to voicemail

If you have an ongoing call, you can transfer the call directly to a colleague's voicemail if the person wants to leave a message.


You have the opportunity to call your colleagues and bypass all call routing, referrals and call forwardings. For example, your colleague may have the lunch profile active. Then you have the option to call through this reference or forward the call to reach the person.

Call waiting

You can activate and deactivate call waiting on your mobile with keyboard shortcuts. If you have problems finding the setting in the mobile's own interface. You can find more information here.


If you want to listen in on a call your colleague is in from your mobile phone, you can do it using keyboard shortcuts. You can find more information about co-listening here.

Feature Codes for Mobile Phones

Call forwarding

Activation: *21*<number>  
Deactivation: #21  

Activation: *61*<number>#  
Deactivation: #61  

When busy  
Activation: *67*<number>  
Deactivation: #67


Activate a profile

Activate: *24*<profile number>[*time]  
Deactivate: #24  

The profile duration can be typed in the following ways:  

1 digit means x amount of days to come (0 means that the profile stays the same until you change it)  

2 digits mean x amount of hours to come (if you want to set the profile active for less than 10 hours, you need to start the digit with a 0)  

3 digits mean x amount of minutes to come (if you want to set the profile active for less than 100 minures, you need to start the digit with a 0)  

4 digits are read as a timestamp for the ongoing day (the two first digits are the hours, and the two last are minutes). If the time has passed already, this means the timestamp for the following day.  

6 digits are read as a date (two first digits are the year, the two middle ones are months, and the last two the days).  

If no time is typed in, the profile's standard length is used in that case. Inactivation means that the profile Available is activated.


Response groups/queuing systems

Log in: *75*<queue number>  
Log out : #75*<queue number>


Call pick up


In the shortcut above, the <number> stands for the number or short number the call is picked from.


Hidden number


In the shortcut above, the <number> stands for the number you want to make a call to. If you want to hide your number when making an outgoing call, contact Telavox.


Transfer ongoing incoming calls


In the shortcut above, the <number> stands for the number or short number you want to transfer the call to. If you want to take the call back, press *. End the call to complete the transfer. Note: only incoming calls can be transferred.


Directly to voicemail


The call is directed to the voicemail which is owned by <number>. Also, short numbers can be used in this shortcut.




By using the bypass shortcut, it means you can go by any call routing. Also, short numbers can be used here.



*28*[fixed number]

Please note that you cannot use co-listening through the mobile app, so you need a Mobile license (a SIM-card from Telavox) for it to work.


Feature Codes for other terminals and the softphone

Call forwarding

Activate: *21*<number>#  
Deactivate: #21#  

Activate: *61*<number>#  
Deactivate: #61#  

When busy  
Activate: *67*<number>#  
Deactivate: #67#


Activate a profile

Activate: *24*<profile number>[*time]#  
Deactivate: #24#  

The profile duration can be typed in the following ways:  

1 digit means x amount of days to come (0 means that the profile stays the same until you change it)  

2 digits mean x amount of hours to come (if you want to set the profile active for less than 10 hours, you need to start the digit with a 0)  

3 digits mean x amount of minutes to come (if you want to set the profile active for less than 100 minures, you need to start the digit with a 0)  

4 digits are read as a timestamp for the ongoing day (the two first digits are the hours, and the two last are minutes). If the time has passed already, this means the timestamp for the following day.  

6 digits are read as a date (two first digits are the year, the two middle ones are months, and the last two the days).  

If no time is typed in, the profile's standard length is used in that case. Inactivation means that the profile Available is activated.


Response groups/queuing systems

Log in: *75*<queue number>#  
Log out : #75*<queue number>#


Call pick up


In the shortcut above, the <number> stands for the number or short number the call is picked from.


Hidden number


In the shortcut above, the <number> stands for the number you want to make a call to. If you want to hide your number when making an outgoing call, contact Telavox.


Transfer ongoing incoming calls


In the shortcut above, the <number> stands for the number or short number you want to transfer the call to. If you want to take the call back, press *. End the call to complete the transfer. Note: only incoming calls can be transferred.


Directly to voicemail


The call is directed to the voicemail which is owned by <number>. Also, short numbers can be used in this shortcut.




By using the bypass shortcut, it means you can go by any call routing. Also, short numbers can be used here.
