Configure users via external file

Author Roland David

Last updated: June 18th, 2024 by Roland David

In Telavox Admin you are able to mass edit contact information for users by downloading a template as an Excel file where you can then edit all of the information you want changed for the users before proceeding to upload the document via Telavox Admin to change the information in the portal.

Below we will specify the steps needed.
Start by logging into an Administrator account via Telavox Admin.

  1. Click on Users
  2. Click on the menu button in the top right corner of the page
  3. Click on Configure via external file

When you have done these steps you will be met by the following window:

Here you only need to follow the steps in the window.
Simply start by downloading the template (which will be downloaded in the .xslx Excel-format).

When you have downloaded and opened the template it's recommended that you take some time to read through the instructions in the Instructions tab/sheet of the document, as this will explain exactly how the template is used and what you can actually edit in the document.
Please note that if you want to edit phone numbers specifically for Free users, you need to use the "00" country code format (example: 0046 for Sweden).

If you then go to the Data tab/sheet you should be able to see a full list of the users in your Telavox environment together with their contact information.
As the instructions also state you should only edit the data in the white cells, as the information in the yellow cells will not be uploaded when uploading the document to Telavox.


NOTE! It's important that the document is up to date and matches the current setup of users in your Telavox environment when you upload it, so if a user has been added or removed since the template was downloaded it will be a mismatch and you won't be able to upload it. Therefore we always recommend that you download a fresh template that matches your current setup before editing and uploading.

After you have edited the contact information that you want to change on the users you can simply save the document and then upload the edited template as instructed in the image above.

Now that you're done, all of the edited contact information should also be updated and visible in the Telavox admin portal.