Invoice description

Author Linda Heiskanen

Last updated: August 5th, 2024 by Linda Heiskanen

What is included in an invoice from Telavox?

This guide goes through the contents of our invoices

The first page of the invoice shows an overview of the invoice, where you can find the most important information, such as the sum to be paid and the due date.

Here is an example of what an invoice from Telavox can look like:

1. Invoice address

The invoice recipient's name and address.


2. Period

The period of the invoice. Please note that it can be longer or shorter than a month – depending on if you started using Telavox in the middle of the month.


3. Sum

The total sum of the invoice.


4. Invoice date

The date the invoice was created.


5. OCR/invoice number

The invoice number. Should be included in your payment to Telavox.


6. Due date

The date the payment should be made to Telavox.


7. Customer number

Have this number at your disposal when contacting Telavox. This makes it easier to find the correct invoice.


8. Bank identifier number 

This should be used if you pay through a web-based bank account, for example.
